3 Ways To Make Your Sofa Even Better

A brand new sofa will make your home look and feel more comfortable, especially considering that it allows you to have people over, enjoy one another's company, and make your living room look fantastic. However, if you want to make that new sofa look like it belongs in your home, there are a few things you should do to elevate its appearance and longevity. Here are three ways to make your sofa even better than it is right when it is delivered to your home.  

1. Ask for Fabric Protection

Talk with the furniture store about fabric protection. Many businesses that sell furniture offer special fabric treatments, which are hydrophobic, allowing water to bead right off of the surface. Some fabric treatments are also designed to seal the surface of the fabric, preventing stains that could date the furniture quickly. 

If you are shopping for a nice, new sofa, ask about fabric protection as soon as possible. Having the surface carefully coated could help you to prevent problems such as staining and discoloration, while also making it simpler to enjoy your new furniture without unnecessary stress on a daily basis. 

2. Add a Few Throw Pillows

To make your couch feel like an extension of your home, think about adding a few throw pillows that tie in the piece of furniture to the rest of your décor. When you add throw pillows, look for pieces that have the color, texture, and visual interest you are going for. 

Add different shapes and sizes of throw pillows to make your space even more interesting. As you incorporate different elements into your home, think carefully about pulling in colors from things like hardware, fabrics, and even your room's paint color. 

3. Invest In a High-Quality Blanket

Having the right blanket handy makes it easy to snuggle up and watch a movie, or lay down and take a comfortable nap. However, to really enjoy your blanket, you need to choose one that is large enough for your body and warm enough to give you the comfort you need. Invest in a high-quality blanket that is the appropriate size, and don't hesitate to shop around for one that works well with your décor. 

When you're shopping for a new Alenya sofa for sale, turn to a furniture showroom near you, and be sure to ask what they have on hand. Check different sizes, shapes, and colors of sofas, and don't forget to do as much research as you can about the fabric variety and longevity. By making the right choices early on, you can enjoy a beautiful piece of furniture that you will love forever. 

About Me

Understanding Decorating Basics

After purchasing my first home, I started decorating just like I always had. Unfortunately, within a few short years, I realized that there were a few problems with my style, like the fact that it looked really pre-packaged. I wanted my home to be just as unique as I was, so I started focusing on looking for a way to incorporate my style. It was really fun to see how much of a difference I was able to make, and within a few short months, my home transformed before my eyes. This blog is all about understanding decorating basics and maintaining your sense of personality.



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